Pianero and Cachimbo Queen

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Live from the Billboards

Ok here's something new for a change. I'm posting as the action is happening.

So here I am at Mom's watching the Billboard awards with my brother (who consequently is making fun of the way I'm typing - saying that I look too genteel and shit).

The girl from Evanescence comes on to sing "My Immortal". I'm thinking "way cool" since I really like that song. There are some strings in the background too and she's playing on a beautiful grand piano. Everything is going well though she's not singing in quite an open voiced style as on the recording. Then near the end of the song these guitarists come out. Ok, cool, they're going to do their little rock thing over the strings/piano I think. Then it happens . . . *TWANG* . . . *TWANG*. The damn bass guitar is way off tune. At least one string is way off and another one is close to tuned but still noticeable off. The poor singer's expression changed from inspired concentration to humor, embarassment, and resignation all at the same time. She took it quite well. Kept playing and singing but couldn't get the grin off her face. Poor thing. It was no fault of hers at all. Don't these professional bassist have tuners?? Maybe he didn't have a monitor. But wouldn't you feel the desctructive interference of your out of tune thick bass strings. Wow. It was pretty painful to hear.


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