Pianero and Cachimbo Queen

Monday, December 06, 2004

I've got a case of the Mondays

Ok so today is not going very well so far. I've gotten involved in a nasty urgent issue at work thanks to this goody-two-shoes do-nothing jerk on my team, JC is in DR and we miss each other, his sister's visa request was denied by some idiotic young girl working at the consulate there, and now it's snowing outside! UGH! Nada mas me falta que me haya partido el culito en el examen de la semana pasada. I will know in a few hours. I better get my A, damn it, or there will be donuts to be eaten.

So what do I do when the going gets tough? I waste time on the internet. YAY!

Random internet quiz

Systemizing - Your score: 41
Empathy - Your score: 40
Autism Spectrum - Your score: 20
Mind in the Eyes - Your score: 29

I guess this confirms that I'm a bit of a tomboy. Oh, and that I'm not autistic. Glad we ruled that out.


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