More junk food woes
You know, I don't even consume all that much junk food. Just some occasional candy. But apparently the powers that be do not want me to enjoy my glucose elevating experience. Here's a note I just sent to the Twix people:
I would like to start off by saying that Twix is my favorite candy bar and I normally consume about two bars every week. My experiences had always been wonderful until recently. The only reason I decided to write was that both negative things occurred within the same week and concerns me. The first was that I purchased a "limited edition" version of Twix that was not to my liking. The wrapper was of similar color as regular Twix so even though it did say "limited edition" on it I figured it had to do with some sort of contest or a historical wrapper of sorts. Well much to my dismay when I opened it I realized it was a dark chocolate version of Twix. I don't like dark chocolate at all and neither did any of my friends, so I was forced to throw it out. Then yesterday I bought a new bar, checking carefully to make sure it wasn't a special edition. I was eagerly anticipating the familiar Twix taste. However, though the expiration date on the bar isn't until June of this year, the bars were both stale tasting. Actually, it was as though they had been frozen at some point. The caramel was not tender, instead it was tough like a taffy. The cookie was too crumbly and a bit bland. And so I was dissapointed yet again at not being able to enjoy my favorite bar. I feel badly about not having written earlier to say how much I enjoy Twix. But as a fan I felt it necessary to make you aware of possible quality problems and possible confusion regarding the limited edition version. I think that for something as radical as using a completely different type of chocolate coating, the wrapper should be VERY different from the original. Maybe it should have been a black wrapper. Something more blatant than the small blue box may have worked better.
Thanks for listening and am looking forward to your response.
You should send this letter to them!
By Dgrasiaiiita, at March 25, 2005 at 4:07 PM
Thanks killerbunnyrabbit! Glad you liked it.
Dgrasiaiita, I sent them the letter the same day that I made the post and haven't heard back. I'm boycotting Twix for now. *sniff*
By Hilda, at April 1, 2005 at 2:45 PM
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